供應及安裝提供更亭及組合屋 (2022年) Supply and install security kiosk and prefabricated housing (2022year)

供應潔具及不鏽鋼產品 (2023年) Supply sanitary ware fittings and stainless-steel products (2023year)

為市政署於政府(青茂)辦公大樓提供辦公室設備 (2023年) Supply and install FF&E for IAM headquarter (2023year)

供應山樟木方 (2024年) Supply Wood for the Dryobalanops species (2024year)

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更亭及組合屋吊運 security kiosk and prefabricated housing lifting

更亭及組合屋 security kiosk and prefabricated housing

更亭及組合屋吊運 security kiosk and prefabricated housing lifting

更亭及組合屋運輸 transportation of security kiosk and prefabricated housing

更亭及組合屋吊運 security kiosk and prefabricated housing lifting

更亭及組合屋 security kiosk and prefabricated housing

更亭及組合屋 security kiosk and prefabricated housing

更亭及組合屋吊運 security kiosk and prefabricated housing lifting