外港青年活動中心進行二樓花架加固及維修工程 (2020年) 2/F Youth center strengthen & maintenance work (2020year)

為石排灣公立學校供應告示牌及伸縮帶欄杆座 (2021年) Supply and install display board & expansion joint for Escola Oficial de Seac Pai Van (2021year)

為鄭觀應學校訂造收納車、水松板 (2024年) Supply and install movable storage equipment and corkboard (2024year)

為氹仔中葡學校購買學生檯及學生椅 (2024年) Supply and install student desks and chairs for the Coloane Portuguese School Escola Luso-Chinesa da Taipa (2024year)

為高美士中葡中學供應及安裝傢具 (2024年) Supply and install furniture for Escola Secundária Luso-Chinesa de Luís Gonzaga Gomes (2024year)

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