澳門航海學校地面層翻新工程(2018年) Macau Maritime Training School G/F Fit Out (2018 year)
澳門航海學校訂造學生書桌椅(2018年) Supply and install student furniture for Macau Maritime Training School (2018 year)
海事博物館展覽館室內飾面維修工程(2019年) Macau Maritime Museum Interior Soft Touch Renovation (2019 year)
海港樓地下廁所工程(2021年) G/F Toilet Soft Touch Renovation (2021 year)
航海學校擋水閘優化工程(2023年) Macau Maritime Training School water baffle enhancement works (2023 year)
海事及水務局大樓-外圍地下廣場大理石維修及綜合服務中心玻璃貼紙拆除服務 (2023年) Marine and Water Bureau building external maintenance works (2023 year)
青洲塘帆布篷拆除、供應、安裝及翻新服務 (2024年) Supply and install canvas awning (2024 year)
is a bureau under the Secretariat for Transport and Public Works. It is a public institution with administrative autonomy which exercises maritime authority, promotes the development of maritime activities as well as coordinating the management of marine affairs and water resources.
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